February 3rd 2009- we found out our baby peanut was a *BOY* so the little bug in my belly was then dubbed Logan Blane Winters :)

April 28th 2009- at roughly 30 weeks pregnant we went and got a 3D/4D ultrasound of Logan. The pictures and video turned out amazing! We were able to watch him wiggle around and even suck his thumb *melts*

May 3rd 2009- We celebrated Logan coming into the world with a baby shower! It was wonderful being able to spend time with all of our friends & family!
May 7th 2009- Justin Blane Winters & Candace Marie Harbin married :) It was a perfect day for a wedding! It sprinkled 'good luck' rain as I walked down the isle, we repeated our own handwritten vows to each other & became "The Winters" in front of our closest friends and family.
May 30th 2009- we had our 2nd baby shower in South Carolina.
June 12th 2009- Justin turned 24 years old!
July 4th 2009- I turned 21 years old (& spent my birthday in the hospital in labor)
*July 5th 2009*- The day our lives began! Logan Blane Winters was born at 11:29am weighing 8lbs 8.2oz. He was a perfect 21.5 inches long with some BIG feet :) He was without a doubt the most perfect thing we had ever laid our eyes on and we were wrapped around his little finger the very moment we saw him!
bawling at that teary eyed pics AGAIN!