We finally get to SC, safe and sound and it begins. The nasty stomach bug that attacked our little family :( YUCK. All three of us were barfy & icky feeling the whole time we were down there. Our sweet little Logie was sick, somewhere he had never been before & was just not himself so the people who never had met him before really didn't get to see the full Logan. Our Friday night & Saturday consisted of: napping, pedalite, napping, numerous hours hovered over that porcelain potty, napping, gatorade, napping, more hovering & some sprite. By Sunday morning we were all feeling like we had been hit by a bus, luckily none of us were still getting sick but boy were we exhausted! Unfortunately we slept in & missed church, but once we got up & moving we did finally begin to feel a little better.
We relaxed & attempted to eat a little then went to visit his cousin Jessica to drop off our bridal shower gift. It was nice seeing Jessica, we haven't seen her since our baby shower last May! Shortly after the oohh's & ahh's of the wedding plans, a little chit chat about how adorable our Logan is & excitement to see one another we made our way back to the car to head home. We all were so very glad to be home! The suitcase needed to be unpacked & the laundry pile due for me on Monday was huge, but MAN there really is no place like home! We slept like royalty squished in our comfy Queen size family bed of 3 & woke up feeling great! I took very little pictures this weekend, but here's what I did get :)
Aunt Bodee & the sick fussy Logie, poor little guy
the return of the sick fussy Logie, with Nana Dot
visiting Papa <3
on the way HOME!
Monday: at home & much happier playing (yes, that's a kids meal toy, the Hulk to be exact. Thanks Nat, he loves it..lol)
that first visiting papa picture is so beautiful. it brought tears to my eyes