Our little booger is growing leaps & bounds now.
He pulls up on EVERYTHING, nearly giving his mommy a heart attack! He is a brave as can be & nothing intimidates him, which also nearly gives me a heart attack. He always has the cutest proud expression whenever he concurs a new obstacle. Whether it's pulling up on his walker without it scooting out from him or pulling up on the entertainment center & realizing that the little black button that catches his eye turns on, and off, and on, and off the cable box he is smiling ear to ear all the while.
I can only imagine the boo-boo's, scratches, bumps & bruises we have in our future of having a little boy. I need to get tougher, because I know myself & I know that with each boo-boo no matter how big or small, if my babe is hurt bring on the water works! It will all be okay though. Logan will help inch me closer to toughness, with his big huge grins of accomplishment & growth ♥
He's so dang cute!!