It's been a little while since I got some cute nakie bath pictures of Logan, so I braved it today & took the camera into the splash zone during bath time. He is so funny in the bath, always grabbing for either the washcloth or the cup that I use to wash him off, making it a workout to bathe him. He always have like 3 toys in the bath with him & go figure the things mommy is using are so much cooler, lol. I have to really keep an eye on him these days because he tires to pull up on the inflatable ducks head. He can do it if I were to let him, but my "mother hen-ness" never lets him stand up.
& here is a shot of his top teeth I got today, it's not good enough for you to see where his 2nd front tooth has cut the gum but you can see where they are all coming in full force! It looks like he will have all 4 of his top teeth pretty soon...that teething necklace I ordered couldn't get here fast enough!!
nice splashing shots! Jamesen has really started splashing hard lately too, so cute! no camera with me anymore! too expensive!