Today was so sweet and sour! Ashley furniture delivered our new couch today, only it was not *our* couch that we ordered, it was the wrong color and was missing fabric? Like really Ashley furniture, way to go for being one of the top furniture stores! We called them & had to go to the store and have come to the conclusion that their customer service SUCKS, but finally got everything resolved and our new right couch is on the way. Logan was the sweet part of today :) (duh) he has started dancing (aka rocking back and forth & back and forth) when music comes on. It's by far the cutest thing ever!! Then his other new thing is to call me "yaya". He can clearly say "mama" but instead likes to call me "yaya" & now Justin is even calling me yaya, crazy boys of mine!! We ate dinner at Cracker Barrel (droooools) with the Davis then came over to our house to hangout :) it was a good sweet day, all except the crappy sour couch thing.
sour: yep, our couch in all of its awful glory. I have no idea what they were thinking sending us this!
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