You know when your a mom & you are telling another mom that you have just had 'one of those days'? And you know the other mom is totally going to understand (especially if that said mom stays at home with her kids), well I have TOTALLY had one of THOSE days! My sweet darling little Logan has wanted mommy & only mommy all day. I skipped lunch because I couldn't even set him down long enough to fix something without him letting out a heart retching scream. I really think his poor little gums are hurting him (& me too!). So today I kept doing whatever made Logan happy, whether that be dance around, act goofy, hold him, snuggle him, play, anything & we did all of that in our jammies, all day long! Here is a pic I snapped today while he was in a decent mood & playing. The *only* happy picture I got out of the poor little guy!
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