Happy 7 month birthday to our little monster :) I say this every month that goes by (but might as well get use to it because I'm sure I will only continue to say this as time goes on), but goodness I really can't believe he has grown so quick! To celebrate we did a whole bunch of nothing, lol. We played & hungout just mommy & Logan since daddy had to work late tonight. *Logan at 7 months* dancing, starting to pull up on things, trying to crawl more, 2 bottom teeth (& chews on anything so another is sure to be on the way), says "hey" "yaya" "dada" "ba" "mama" & jibberish :o), finds oreo & oliver beyond hilarious, sticks his tongue out, loves mommy's cell phone and get REALLY mad when he can't play with it, still in cloth diapers on the medium setting & in 6-12 month clothing.
7 months <3
& the adventures of our billy goat (aka. the teething Logan)
the hanger:
the toy(s):
mr.pop-up block:
mr. giraffe, you never had a chance buddy:
& finally content with his pacci, watching his beloved yo gabba gabba:

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